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The Blackest NBA Players Of All Time (At Least As I Remember It)

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  1. Tyrell Tyriq Kwazamm

    Ey. Dissesagree, Ey be da blackest, I dunked om eberybody ey plaay. Eys from Aficka an one dey Ey plaay four da NBA

  2. tgriff13

    I think Desperado Delonte' West should find his way on this list somehow. "Plains, trains or automobiles… you betta have my DOOOghnuts!" He is a dirty mack all star as well.

  3. Ben

    Bill Simmons said "Manute Bol was breathtaking in person, and not just because of his surreal heigh and skin so dark that it made him seem purple. *Our country is so uptight this point might be considered racist. Here's my defense: Manute Bol was fucking purple. I don't know what else to tell you."

    But even if Bol is the …darkest, I would never EVER cross Oak. EVER.

    • rodimusprime

      Yeah no one wants it with Oak. And I think as long as it's not an insult there's no reason a white man can't discuss the darkness of a dude's skin. I mean seriously people!

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