A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

167: If Not Beyonce Then Who?

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  1. King Jerm

    I'm laughing at this tire segment…I sold tires for 7 years. You should ALWAYS go to Walmart/Sams/Costco to get tires.

  2. King Jerm

    Ya'll laugh JUST alike!

  3. mexicangio

    hahah i used to be a mechanic at a dealership, and hell yeah SOMEEEE of those guys are shady ass shit, i remember this one guy who would reset the computer when a car had a change oil light on and then say he did a oil change and charge people. and everyone is required to up sell services and shit like that that cars dont even need, im not saying im a angel and shit but after a year working at the dealership i decided to go back to school and get a real education cause i didnt have it in me to rip people off.

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