A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

204: Joseph – The Bible’s Simp

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  1. Gaby

    Also, I usually go dutch on the 1st date. Is that why I am having a hard time even getting a simple 2 piece w/ a biscuit and a movie? And on a tuesday, no less! 🙂 Ha!!!

  2. Gaby

    Ha! Too funny about the sexy voice chick being fat. Yes, that can be true. I have always had a sexy voice, and, I am always honest with guys about being a big girl, cause, I am more of a pear shape, and, yeah, some of the snow thumpers (male snow bunnies?), really hate on that. With a passion! So, I always want to be honest with them and keep it real. Sometimes dudes be too into the voice and come on waaaay too strong. I will just mess with them when they get like that….tell em I am wearing grey sweats, a wife beater t-shirt, and some boxers. Ha!! I don't even own any of those!!! I try to be funny when they get ignorant and repeat my weight like 15 times back to me cause they are sooo shocked. It's crazy how silly some of them be…like they are heartbroken or something. Sigh…but I refuse to dis how they look…no one can change their appearance, ya know? i will never tell a dude I am not physically attracted to him. I will say it is something else, like his personality or his punk-ish ways….

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