A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

232: As Sexy As She WANTS To Be

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1 Comment

  1. Dazzmond

    This picture of Miss S. Williams is mmm-MMM!! I love her sexy dark chocolate brown ass!! Now, did I just "objectify" her?? See what ya'll made me do?!!?!? Oh well. I was playing Batman Arkham City while listening to this podcast. Actually, I beat it while listening. Maybe you guys gave me some luck. I like the game too, Rod, but I have my own questions about Batman, and this game: Is Batman really all that effective? All these years of crime fighting in ONE CITY, and it just keeps getting worse? Another thing is, after I beat the game, beat all the MAJOR bad guys, I found only ONE criminal shaking and shivering, begging me not to hit him. And that was after beating about 5 of his homies. If Batman kicks that much ass, Karen, wouldn't YOU give up once he swooped in on a caper you and Rod were about to hatch?

    Love the 'cast, PEACE!

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