A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

373: Save The Dates

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  1. DSatz

    I listened to this episode today while outdoors amid some traffic noise. Around minute 67, I thought that Rod asked Karen and your guests to say what their favorite welfare movies were. I don’t know a lot about film and had never heard of that genre, but figured that it might be movies that give insight into the lives of poor people. Everybody seemed to know of some movies like that, and I was fascinated and the discussion went on for a while, before I realized that y’all were actually talking about _Will Ferrell_ movies. –best regards

  2. Nic The Ju

    Tank alert. Foie Gras is duck liver, Reggie was (partly) right, I think he said goose liver. Sweatbreads are throat/pancreas, I got the two confused. Also, I am NOT nicer than Reggie, just older. 😉

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