A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

393: A White Christmas

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  1. Alli B.

    Hi Rod And Karen!!

    Ok so do you guys remember in "Coming To America" when Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall are looking for a queen? The girl that is like "I want to be a Pop Star, and a Rock Star…blah blah blah" that's what Gaby reminds me of!!!! Oh shit hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Oh and I agree, Chris Brown is a piece of shit who needs to be put in jail!!!!!

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  2. Mike in London

    WOO HOO! I got a shout out from Chill!

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  3. Gaby

    Hi Rod & Karen,

    I apologize for the long voice mail and how it may have been misunderstood.

    To make it brief, I think both Chris Brown & Michael Vick should be punished for their crimes. I DO NOT condone domestic violence, nor do I equate domestic violence with what Michael Vick did. Harming a person is of course worse than animal cruelty, and I say that as an animal lover.

    My comment was that Chris Brown was a young person who

    SHOULD be punished for hitting Rhianna, AND, he should get counseling for his anger issues. Vick did restitution, and society still says he is a monster. My point is that it appears that society is quick to say that people of color cannot change for the better. That was my point. Both Brown and Vick are 200% wrong, and I think that they can be better people in the future if they choose. Again, sorry for the long comment and voicemail, but I wanted to clarify my previous VM.

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