A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

409: Bitch Bad

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  1. claudio bicer

    The black guy who tips!!! Love you man!!!

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  2. da_ticklah

    Quote of the year 2hrs 12mins in re: the vibrator

    “vroom vroom plug it up, start the lawn mower lets get it to fucking going, because we both need to cum”

    Karen FTW!

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  3. jprojectz

    Johanna really solidified herself as awesome in my book. Starting first wit her sayin “bulletball extreme!”, I love when the guests jump in n say that!! Then shes just an all around funny n really nice/sweet person. (and she recognizes the amazing ball of awesome skillz that is miss Alexa Yeames) karen really did it for me this episode!from her love of her massager person to “bag-o-dicks”she had me ROLLIN!! Kudos ma’am. Also about that supposed PS4 controller: chances r its fake cuz I think I saw a supposed PS3 controller shaped like that too, BUT(pause for emphasis) I didn’t think nintendo would make their new controller a mini tablet(size wise) either so I mean “eh”…and last thing: I didn’t comment on that feedback show yesterday jus cuz its clear many of em were jus butthurt Elon aint have da time 4 dey ass. The rest were jus “bandwagonit” n cryin “listen to me!!”. Dey like the crazy ex-girlfriend that calls at 1 AM goin off n sayin I’ll kill myself if u don’t “blank”. Been there, done that, im jus not answerin. So fuckem. Fuckem good. Fuckem long. Pretty much fuck em all!

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