A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

455: A Dragon Is Not A Slave

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1 Comment

  1. HC

    Let me get my soft c criticism on…not really. My initial thought was that 5 shows a week would be tough to get used to, then I realized Rod would have more opportunities to get that elusive Tippy. And to be honest, Rod has stepped his game up…but he’s like Kevin Durant trying to win an MVP or ring against Lebron because 10 star Karen has raised her game as well. Then out of nowhere Patrice is coming on strong, getting high praise from the esteemed Tippy community. I’m still laughing about how Patrice said Theon sounded like Tina Turner in Whats Love Got to Do With It after he got hit with that mace last week. Love the Dem Thrones review shows guys, I don’t know what I’ll do when the season ends.

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