A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

MT 3: Scarred Heart

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  1. trojanscooter

    Great interview Rod and more importantly being a good friend. Stay in touch with him.

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  2. Nilla

    Man, it’s always good hearing some real friends talk some real shit. thanks for sharing guys. Inspiring.

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  3. tatum216

    Great interview.

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  4. professlch

    Oh, I’m also mad about the closing “hoes” question, rofl!

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  5. professlch

    To quote a homeless person I overheard once? “Ol’ boy’s got a lot of stuff with hisself.” Hope he’ll pass through this stage o’ pain sooner than later. This interview may have helped (although I’m mad at Rod for asking about the “wet cell phone” and “therapist’s notes” questions, lol).

    And yes, Rod: there ARE You Tube videos to help “emergency daddying.” Here’s an ADORABLE one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0QBOQKPe38

    And another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmfDQ-63kas

    THIS dude has taken it to new levels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvrf08YL1AM (he has a Part 2 and 3, too)!

    So, you know. I’m just sayin’.

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