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PG 18: We Almost Kill B. Cole Again

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Rod and Justin are joined by B. Cole to discuss Terror attack in Paris, Love and Hip Hop, Ben Carson remixes and places to meet a woman. From the 11/13 Balls Deep Sports

B Cole’s Twitter

1 Comment

  1. AJtheEngineer

    What’s up yall, that baller alert list was pretty dumb but it was funny as hell to hear JTrill’s responses. I’m not sure what’s up with @ProudlyLauren and why she has to find all these odd spots to meet men cause I peeped her twitter and she looks prettay nice. She did have one good point though, that bookstore. I went to Barnes & Noble a couple weeks ago to buy a Star Wars comic (thanks for the suggestion) when I noticed there was some pretty womens walking around. I forgot that bookstores have coffee shops so there were a few ladies sipping on lattes while reading. As I walked past the coffee shop I saw a few ladies looking at me, there weren’t that many men in the store and only a couple of us black men, like really only 1 or 2. Here’s the key, if you’re observant you can catch what section the lady is in and start your conversation from a high level, so dudes who don’t read could maybe try to start a conversation. Having said all that, my girl was with me so I wasn’t trying to ask anybody who their favorite author was but if I was single I could see myself trying out the bookstore as a place to meet people. Like you said in the episode, we need some more research to be done from the single guys. I’m loving the pre-game episodes its one of my favorite additions to the TBGWT media empire.

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