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#DeyWalking FTWD: Season 2 Episode 4: Blood In The Streets


Rod and Karen discuss Fear The Walking Dead.


  1. Will in Toronto

    Everytime they start fuckin’ with Strand I’m ready to yell out “100!!!” like Karen. To be quite honest Strand might actually be up to some fuck shit but that ain’t none of my business and at the end of the day when you on a man’s boat you best put some respeck awn it. I’m bout 1 more incident away from wanting him to toss Salazar off the side of that bitch and forcing him to do his best Michael Phelps impression back to dry land.

  2. MakedaR

    I couln’t believe that Salazar told Luis that they didn’t need Strand! I hope this incident restores order on the boat and that Madison and her selfish family realize how things work in this new world. I thought that this was the best episode of the series.

    On another note , I’ve been listening to the show since December and I signed up for premium because of this show. I’m really happy with all the content and I’ll definitely come to a live show if you guys come to NYC. Thank you for getting me through my long days.

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