A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1246: Jive Turkey Coup


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Rod and Karen discuss filming a TV show pilot, LGBTQ news, police shot in Baton Rouge, Idris Elba movie pulled over terrorism, Turkey Coup, the honour killing of Qandeel Baloch, Crossfit glock controversy, black man questioned for reading a book, ASAP Rocky, meteorologist arrested for child porn, Floridal love fight, man bakes a cat and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Shadow Dog Productions on Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Code: FreeTBGWT


  1. Jonathan

    I think the transpanic / gaypanic thing has a lot to do with misogyny. Like all forms of misogyny there is a pretty scary violent undertone to it.

    A few years back I visited Lowell Massachusetts with an ex who was concerned about his transgender friends. The ladies ignored him and said he was just being dramatic.

    We went to a straight club to dance since there weren’t any gay clubs. I was dancing and grinding with one of the ladies. When I went to the bathroom ten guys rush in and block the door. They’re screaming about in their words, “don’t you know that’s a dude in a dress.” And “she’s trying to turn you into a faggot.” I was able to make my way out of the bathroom and we had to leave quickly since the guys looked like they were ready to fight.

    A few of the transwomen of color I know have concealed carry permits but it shouldn’t be up to them to keep themselves safe from other people of color and the police.

  2. mayabee

    I’ve know black trans women who are not so much trying to divert the conversation of what BLM is all about, but shining a light that trans women of color (ESPECIALLY black trans women) get no recognition in terms of statistics or people fighting for them. A tumblr I follow occasionally posts stories from over the years of black trans women being killed or abused by the police. Most of the responses they get are people who are in shock and disgusted about how these were not bigger stories than they should be. See, the murder of Mya Hall, a black trans woman, during the Baltimore Uprising. I ONLY learned about her through tumblr. A lot of trans women are street sex workers and a ton of them do get sexually and physically abused by cops, but then again, outside of these women and individuals’ personal stories, there are not that many statistics surrounding it. A common sentiment that these women I know have is that everyone abuses them, but as soon as they’re gone, they’re mourning them and giving them hollow promises to do better and fight for them.

  3. Busy Wallace

    I love you guys so much!! I am here for a 24 hour TBGWT News network. I don’t write you enough because I have had to take a social media break, but y’all are the only thing keeping me in touch with what’s going on in our country without making me lose my mf-ing mind. Rod, I was wondering if you could please share the name and title of the song you played while Karen was gone during this episode, his name sounded like Kumail and I can’t find him anywhere because I obviously have the wrong spelling… Thanks so much, keep doing what you do and you do so well XOXO

  4. Toya

    Congratulations Rod and Karen! Super proud of what you have done so far and you continue to inspire me to keep grinding as well. Hope to see you on TV very soon!!

  5. Anne

    What network and when will your TV show pilot air?

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