A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

OSR 31: Atlanta

Rod and Karen review the first season of Donald Glover’s FX series “Atlanta.”


  1. AJtheEngineer

    That was a great recap of Atlanta thanks for taking the time to review the season. I agree with y’all there were a bunch of great black-ass shows in 2016 but Atlanta was my favorite. I enjoyed the different types of blackness that we would see through each episode. I’d say my favorite episode was Juneteenth because there were so many moments that mainly only people of color would understand. I remember one of my white friends telling me about how much he liked the show. That’s cool, but I really didn’t care because I knew the writing of the show had elements only we would understand. You guys mentioned it but I really appreciated the show for giving us those black moments without the cliche “here’s how we fix it” resolutions.

    I’m hoping that season 2 includes flashbacks of Earn at Princeton. Y’all have covered plenty of articles where those Ivy League schools don’t do much to remove the racism from their campus and I think that may be a reason Earn dropped out. What are you guys hoping to see in season 2?

    Karen please watch Insecure so we can know if you’re with #TeamLawrence.

  2. Just-a-ton

    I have to say I enjoyed your review and I was laughing my ass off remembering all of the scenes on my drive from work. Thanks for you guys putting me on to this show. Its because of you that I purchased the season and looked at it twice. I also agree that B.A.N is probably my favorite episode because of the trans racial bit, but really the entire show is perfection.

    This is going from a black guy who hasn’t really watched a black series since UPN was a thing. Now I just need a Sci-Fi series that is mostly black people.

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