A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1657: Black Twitter CSI Cyber Crimes Division

Rod and Karen discuss Holler And Dash, LGBTQ news, cops says it’s better to kill than wound, The Simpsons address the Apu controversy, liberal feminist is marrying a Trump guy, Sabrina Claudio, fake BLM Facebook page outed, woman beheads boyfriend, wind blamed for coke in purse, man steals a roof back and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Twitter: @ShadowDogProd



  1. EvieE

    I haven’t watched the Simpsons in years but I remember how big a deal it was when I was a kid. There was a kid from India who’s name no one could pronounce so everyone started calling him Apu even the teachers. I didn’t understand how fucked up that was at the time but now that I look back The character of Apu shaped the lives of many Indian Americans and it’s time for this show to either make a change or get off the air. It’s been on way too long.

  2. FalconsDiva

    This episode logo reminded me of a comment I meant to leave a while back. You guys placed the black twitter csi shirts on teepublic the day after I ordered my latest TBGWT gear. While I wanted one, I wasn’t about to pay for shipping again. I read the article about Ms. Huff, the black scientist in that picture before you guys talked about it. As I was reading it, I heard the music in my head and started saying “Hey, Hey!” – my ass had to break down and order my black twitter csi hoodie.

    Y’all trynna take all my coins!!!

  3. lamarrahaynes

    Hey Rod and Karen,

    Karen was curious about what “traveler” was referring to in the French mayor gone wild sword-ratchetness story and I wanted to chime in to, maybe, provide some insight. In the article, travelers refers to the Romani people, who are more widely known by the ethnic slur, “gypsy.” The ethnic group, is believed to have originated in India and they have historically and still do live a nomadic lifestyle. The Romani have been treated like shit since they arrived on the European scene. The ethnic group is thought to have originated in India. European Romani, look like other white Europeans. They are stereotyped as practitioners of dark magic, thieves, and as bad people in general. The Nazi Party also tried to exterminate Europe Romani population during the Second World.

    • lamarrahaynes

      04/11/2018 at 9:56 PM

      Hey Rod and Karen,

      Karen was curious about what “traveler” was referring to in the French mayor gone wild sword-ratchetness story and I wanted to chime in to, maybe, provide some insight. In the article, travelers refers to the Romani people, who are more widely known by the ethnic slur, “gypsy.” The ethnic group, is believed to have originated in India and they have historically and still do live a nomadic lifestyle. The Romani have been treated like shit since they arrived on the European scene. European Romani, look like other white Europeans. Romani people are stereotyped as practitioners of dark magic, thieves, and as bad people in general. The Nazi Party also tried to exterminate them during the Second World.

      Anyway I hope that this is helpful.

      I had bad day at work and I was mad, but listening to you two made me feel better. Thank you for being great.

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