A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 212: I’m Good

Rod and Justin are joined by Karen to discuss calling out of work, how Justin got his old schedule back, hit and walk away, black people in law enforcement, local politicians spending money on trips, randomly seeing Justin getting Chinese, spicy food, making ribs and listener feedback.

1 Comment

  1. bamil73

    Hey Rod, maybe Karen and J-Ustin “the blackface champ” Trudeau

    Did you see that Kanye is bringing his Sunday Service to Jamaica? It will be a free concert in the middle of our capital, Kingston, in a park called Emancipation Park. He calls it a gift to Jamaica. This nigga. He’s so enamored with white supremacy that he sees himself as a colonial missionary bringing religion to heathen natives. It makes me want to shout “Kanye, move yu rahs claht!”. I miss the old Kanye.

    Fuck that guy.


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