A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1410: Karen Is Going To Da Beach Boyee

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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. TanyaW42

    First of all, so happy to hear about Karen’s surprise trip — have a GREAT time Karen, you deserve it!!

    Also just a general comment, I saw Rae Sanni last night hosting the DecptiComics show in NYC, and she was so awesome and hilarious!! No wonder you love her so much. I believe she was just on that one show, but the DecptiComics are currently on tour so check decepticomics.com/tour to see if they’re coming to your area. They are all so good, everyone killed last night!


  2. Amani

    When I tell you that surprise for Karen made my heart full!! Listen, you deserve it and we’re all thrilled for you! The brilliance, joy, and love you bring everyday will always be returned to you.

    And hope Rod takes that week and gets some rest too. No more 8 am podcasts, sleep in and get a couple runs in at the y. Both of y’all earned the time to treat yourselves for a minute.

  3. SymSymma

    I totally teared up hearing Leslie and Marissa celebrate Karen. Queen Karen is consistently pouring in to women and we get to see it when you have guests and Karen is so encouraging. Just listening to the show I have begun to realize the way that apologies have become my default and saying thank you to people even when I am the one doing the work. I hope to make it to Charlotte this summer, and I would love to treat Karen to a bottomless brunch as a thank you for being a caring friend in my head. Karen’s husband is welcome to join as well, LOL. Love you guys!

  4. corgdyceps

    The stages I went through after hearing about Jamaica…
    1) That’s so fucking amazing and deserved! Goddamn good for Karen!
    2) Wait, Rod has said he doesn’t do the show without Karen, a week without TBGWT….
    3) O.k. O.k., I can do this for Karen… I. Can. Do. This.

    So excited for you Karen! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  5. J-Full

    I saw the episode title and was wondering where it came from. That was such a dope surprise! I was expecting Marissa and Leslie to say “oh hey Karen, we’re gonna donate xyz to TBGWT for you to use for whatever you want to uplift BW” when they hit her with the invitation to Jamaica i was like “oh shit!” and when they said they’re covering the travel and stay I was screamed like I won! Karen get ya passport ready! And your sunscreen too lol. The only place my dark-skinned ass ever gets sunburned is in the Caribbean. I swear the sun feels as close as a regular light in your house.

  6. D Ramsey PhDone

    Saving Queen Karen’s surprise trip to the Women’s Retreat this fall is proof that your podcast reaches all ages, all generations, etc.! Love you guys!

  7. csick

    I had to google who the Wattersons were because I forgot that that was the name of their family (I’m not a regular watcher of Amazing World of Gumball) but when I realized who it was it was a no brainer. The question wasn’t “who is the best cartoon family”, or even “who is the funniest cartoon family”. It was
    who is the most adorable”, and for that there is only one acceptable answer, and most of y’all got it wrong.

  8. ProfKori

    OMG! What a fabulous surprise for Karen!!! Wow, that’s gonna be so freakin’ fabulous! I got a feeling I’ll have happy tears when I see the pictures from that amazing get-away of 10 powerful black women! ENJOY enough for me too!


    I’d rather hear about our people and hear more on all the other show segments versus Hearing what white people are wearing or who they’re dating

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