A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

227: Black Racism And The President

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  1. Dazzmond

    I don't know if anyone can answer a question about race objectively.

    We would like to think we are above such petty things such as race, we would like to believe that we are good people. But, after your (as always) compelling argument that liberals such as Bill Mahr believing that they are above being a bit racist when saying Obama should be a "real black man" and not bitch up to republicans. It's racist and stupid of blacks to do so as well.

    I always thought Obama was too afraid to be seen as a militant black. I saw that during the campaign and certainly now that all these obstructionists are in his way. I voted "no", but maybe I should have voted "yes".

    This was long winded, but if you read this on or off air, that would be cool. Love the show, and I love you guys.

  2. bleazy206

    What up Rod and Karen! Thank you so much for bringing up the whole balderdash of "not acting or being black enough." What the hell is that? My opinion is that all of us who say so and so is not acting or being black enough are the negroes who are amplified to represent all of us as a race. We have got to stop confusing blackness with Ghettoeness ( Is that a word?) and Minstrelsy.

  3. Tatum

    One more thing I'm going back & listening to all the past epp's & I'm glad I'm open you mind because you,Karen & Justin(not so much Will) Really blast my home town of Cleveland,Ohio. Thanks again for the many hours entertainment

  4. Tatum

    This is the 2nd timeI I was labled as sexually ambiguous on the pod. I am a guy. My name is Anthony but I'm sure i wouldn't be the only one so I went with Tatum.* Gabby sigh with respect*

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