A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

288: We Love Sara Jay

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  1. Scarfinger

    I am Scarfinger and this nigga Rod is lying son!!!! You know its me cause I said son, son. lol

  2. Wake up Mr. West aka Courtney

    I agree with Sara Jay. There should be more train porn. I think there is a market for it.

  3. C-Moe

    Who am I to question a woman’s choice to go down on her knees and pleasure a complete total stranger with oral favors, this is America is it not. Oh yeah Rod I am the guy you called a weak ass after you nearly made me drop weights on myself. I would be offended and plot revenge, but then I thought about Chill, her ten dildos, and her willingness to ride out for Karen and you at the drop of a dime and reconsidered. Love the show, and long live the King Eddie Long (and his foreskin) and Tyrese, that all knowing Sage of Female Matters.

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