A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

303: Nerd Is The New Cool

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1 Comment

  1. jprojectz

    havent even finished this episode yet but i jus had to pause n say this:i too am a huge fan of the chocolate vanilla swirl!like HUGE!! I went to a predominantly white school district. from first thru HS graduation. and i LOVED IT!had more punani thrown at me than i knew wut to do with. it was GRRRRRREAT(shoutout to tony the tiger). oh and yes i was and still am a big nerd. now proudly, then not so much but it didnt matter to da snowbunnies! they jus said “oh he’s black,i wanna b THAT girl. take my mouf,take my pussy, take my tittays!” it..was..AWESOME!!:-D!!!shoutout to all ma dudes in the urban-suburban program!(not sure if thats nation wide or wut but i see ya’ll! n i too know how finger-lickin good sum italian pussy is)…………………………………………………………………………….sry #flashbacks. anyway keep doin ya’ll (rod n karen) thang,luv it!

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