A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Live Feedback Show 4/28 at 10:30 Am EST

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle B.

    I just don’t understand how some black men believe that there aren’t any black women that don’t fit the angry black woman stereotype. I’m a black woman that’s intelligent, into video games, and also not angry. I’m also not attracted to “thugged-out” guys to the point that if your pants are hang below your belt, I won’t even give you the time of day. When I do have a man, I am not beating him down every chance I get or trying to take his money. If anything I am guilty of catering to much to them and not catering to myself or allowing someone to cater to me.

    So, to the guy looking for black women that aren’t angry bitches then might I suggest that you look in other places because we are out there waiting for black men who values black women.

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