A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

459: Gay Rights And Lefts

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  1. Bubba Gray

    another great episode the dude Montourious sounds like ANDRE 3000 KEEP ON PUSHING ROD AND KAREN!!

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  2. Isaiah

    Rod you may give Magic the pass, but I won’t.

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  3. Lionel

    What’s going on Rod and Karen. First, I may be the only person that thought I’d miss the old show format, but I’ve gotten we’ll adjusted to the new format and like it. Anyhow, I wanted to write about the story about the Spanish dudes who tried to defraud the insurance companies by cutting of parts of their arms. The reason why the insurance companies are so adept at catching this type of situation is because they use several type of field experts, doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. to recreate these accidents, review the medical reports, n exams, review the police reports, conduct interviews, etc. to determine their liability. So that’s how they can sniff out a fraud like this, and deny their claims and be prepared if the claimant wants to sue them.

    As always, keep doing what you’re doing. Peace!

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