Man you guys have been awesome. You’ve gone beyond the call of duty. People are taking notice of how committed you guys are and it’s wonderful! I’m definitely getting a “TBGWT” tattoo but if we get to 130 by 6/16th then I’m getting a tattoo friendly version of our logo. We’re currently at 121 premium subscribers out of 130 with 9 days to go. Can we get there? I’m so happy I could cry but also… a little scared. But only a little. You can find out how to sign up for a Premium membership by going HERE.

We didn’t just chill the whole week though. Chill? Chill don’t pay the bills. Here’s what we’ve been up to. We posted Spoiled Movie Reviews for After Earth and Pain and Gain. Plus we did the 4th episodes of The Nerd Off, Balls Deep Sports and Lip Smacking Good all which can be found from the Premium page.

We also did some guest spots on our favorite podcasts.

Rod was on the  Podcast

Karen was on 2 Brothas 2 Mics Podcast



Rod was on The Insanity Check Podcast 397: This Is Retarded