A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

MT 5: Rod, And Ebony (From Catfish)


Rod is joined by Sasha Ebony Love to discuss her appearance on MTV’s Catfish, life after reality TV, men, Rawd and so much more. Enjoy the interview.

Instagram: Sasha Ebony Love

Facebook: Sasha Ebony Love

Website: Sasha Ebony Love



  1. professlch

    Ebony was right: I was in LOVE with another “once you go Black” episode before hers, but NOT the Mhissy one. My favorite all-time is the Trina (the dancer) and Scorpio episode. I LOVED TRINA! Actually, still do; she was the sweetest (and the real Scorpio — also a dancer — was sexy).

    However, Ebony’s episode was REALLY good, as I’d come to learn the phenomenon of watching Catfish while live-Tweeting. Also: having half of my favorite podcast team named Rod, too? And Podcast Rod live-Tweets Catfish, too? NEXT LEVEL LUNACY!

    It was hysterical hearing Rod agree with Ebony re: how horrible men are. Totally good girlfriend move right there, Rod (“I’m not sayin’ it’s worth it gurl; I’m on YOUR side”)!

    Speaking of next level? This is WHY folks subscribe to Premium TBGWT. Great get, Rod!

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  2. Crad1cus

    This was a great episode and a really interesting guest! You mention it at the end but I bet it was really weird to be talking about a different dude with the same name as you, I know it would freak me out. I’m really looking forward to more Medium Talk!

    If you aren’t up on it you can check the actual Catfish episode here: http://www.mtv.com/videos/catfish-the-tv-show-ep-9-rod-ebony/1700320/playlist.jhtml#series=2211&seriesId=39262&channelId=1

    Also I was wondering if the original TBGWT episode for Ebony’s Catfish episode could be put back online? I think it’s show 413.

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  3. Anthony

    OH MY GOD! For those of you that haven’t signed up for premium need to get on it asap. Ebony is freaking hilarious. Her man hatin rant was pure gold(and mostly true). I also like how Rod was in complete agreement. Ya’ll ain’t shit…LMAO.

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  4. Sterling


    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  5. yourhoodlawyer


    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

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