A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

683: Loving Black Women


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Rod and Karen are joined by Cerrome Russell to discuss doing a show in NYC, radio interviews, his beautiful beige terrorists, Love and Hip Hop ATL “sex tape”, sex-tapes vs. porn, US Airways, teen threatens a plane, KFC corsage, bear runs off with wife, human Barbie is racist, a bully forced to out himself, woman kills 7 infants and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @CerromeRussell
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Guest Website: http://decepticomics.tumblr.com/


  1. Blaq Rob

    Cosign everything Rod said about the lack of love for black women falling on black men. Unlike Rod, my parents are divorced. But I never, not once, heard my dad say an ill word to or about my mom. Nor did I ever see him disrespect her in any way (or any woman for that matter). He loved her through divorce, as a co-parent, and that always stuck with me. To be honest, I must’ve been a little bit sheltered, because I didnt even realize that shiting on black women was as much of “a thing” as it is until I got on social media a few years back. I was blown that there are actually niggas out here who hate black women as much as they do. It really says more about THEM and THEIR insecurities than it says about black women. As black men, we have to teach our sons to love and respect black women, and teach our daughters to love and respect themselves. Our kids are watching and copying every single thing we do. Thank ya’ll for this discussion. It is definitely one that we need to be having in the black community.

  2. Shannon

    Thank you for your discussion on Black Love. I really needed to hear this. I am married to a wonderful Black man, but we definitely grew up seeing different images of Black love. My parents are married and worked through life, love, family, and hardships together. My husbands’ parents divorced when he was very young. He grew up seeing fighting, blame, poverty, and bitterness. We struggle alot because I am very structured and he is not. As a result I am usually tasked with the business portion of our marriage. We also have a child so my plate is beyond full. I needed to hear Karen say that you have to love a person where they are. I struggle with this. I am a very strong woman, but I am human. I try to be patient with my husband but I also have to take care of myself as well. He is so full of hurt and bitterness from his childhood that it impedes on his adulthood. I try to help, but at the same time I’m looking at him like, “c’mon, we have to turn the page on this”. I try to find balance and tote the line between being supportive, but also not being walked over. Thank you Karen and Rod for reminding me that I need to love him through this and also that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have a beautiful child and I know he is doing his best. He literally has no blueprint. Thank you for your show. You keep me sane throughout my week. Love yall!!

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