A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

859: Respect The Queen


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Rod and Karen discuss their favorite rap skits, stupid reviews will no longer be read, Girl Scout Cookie flavors, child porn sting gone wrong, David Duke on Minaj, Gay marriage back in FL, Pat Robertson on Xmas, hoodies, Black Brunch, Artie Lange and fake Anti-PC comedians, Donal Trump, another ex-girlfriend in the chimney, police chief fights racism, NYPD turn back again, India rapists, Chinese tourist trades sex for travel, Baller Alert, Liazard man, Grandma spirit, beaten rapist, Uber rapist, no arms gun charge and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
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Site: www.tweakedaudio.com


  1. kjdolla

    Rod, much props to you for defending your wife. I know you didn’t do it for the props, but I’m giving them to you anyway. I think Karen’s accent is charming and I LOVE it,..YES LOVE IT!!! Anyone that comes for Karen can suck every single one of Chill’s dicks. I’m tired of folks picking on Karen. Let her fuckin live. She is as much part of the show as Rod is, and I wouldn’t want Rod to do the show without her. Please keep up the good work BOTH of you, and congrats on your 5 year anniversary. I wish you many more years doing the show.

    BTW, I agree with Capadonna, I know you would never do it, but you should let Karen do a show by herself just to fuck with all her haters. I’m for letting Karen read the feedback tho in general, not just for her haters.

  2. Cappadonna

    Good for standing for your wife man. Its pathetic and outright bizarre that Negroes would take that much time just to troll your wife.

    Karen – its great to hear from your husband how much you stand by him (not behind, you’re his equal) & his love for you. Fuck these haters!!

    I understand that you don’t and shouldn’t read negative feedback anymore. But, I like your original idea of having Karen ready the negative feed back – that would be a perfect troll. Even better, if you really want to get at these petty fools, have Karen do the whole show and just work the controls. I know that’s pretty much the flow of “Lip Smacking Good” but I’d like to see how much that loser has press his touch screen the scroll past her lovely southern twang before his thumb gets a blister.

    Anyway, have a good weekend and blessing.

  3. vcthree

    Much as I like Rod on this show; it’s nothing without Karen’s laugh. I can’t tell you how many times I turn this show on after crappy days at work, and hear Karen’s trademark “ha-HAAA!”, and I’m busting out laughing. The positive vibe of TBGWT is what’s kept me a listener for the last couple years, and will keep me a listener. If you claim to love TBGWT and yet don’t like Karen, you’re fronting. This show isn’t as good as it is without Karen as its co-host and equal partner.

  4. Teresa Barrows-Wight (@taouioui)

    Well you’ve done it. ROD has finally done it. His passionate defense of Karen this episode FINALLY made up my mind to become a YEARLY premium member (as soon I get my next paycheque next week). I hope you’re proud of yourself ROD!

    All kidding aside. You both rock. Anyone who could be so vile to Karen ain’t worth knowing. Her accent, especially when she says “Thank you sweetie” is like a warm hug.

  5. Anzidavis

    Rod, stop hating on the lovely shortbread girl scout cookies. Thin mints are nasty not in the Janet Jackson good way. Tell them haters to keep Karen name out they mouth. Love your show as always. My only beef with your show is that it is not long enough to make it through my eight hour day at work but thank god for the replay button.

  6. Gem

    i have to admit, Rod’s read of all the Karen-disrespecters made me a bit teary eyed. it was so touching to hear Rod not only defend his Beautiful Black Queen against the ridiculous slander (the haters can go f*ck themselves, by the way), but also to fervently affirm her and acknowledge her endless contributions to his life and the show. that was so awesome to witness! i love Black love!! (sidenote: some of my favorite moments on the show are when Karen makes Rod laugh uncontrollably. its so cute! ok, im done being a sap)

  7. AJtheEngineer

    I support the executive decision to read only positive 5 star reviews, or those that actually offer good criticism. I ain’t gonna sit and listen to random folks shit on the stuff I like and support.

    Yall don’t like dem tagalongs doe?

  8. Shannon

    AMEN AMEN AMEN!! I just had to make sure I got in a quick “I love the show” comment. Karen is 100% correct. I personally listen to the show to escape! Life can be soooooo HARD!! People have to deal with and overcome so much on a day to day basis. If you have time to compain about something so ridiculous you are too stupid to realize how blessed you are. You both are the best. You are genuine and I love it! You are very much appreciated. Thank you for your hard work, the show, and for simply being you!!!

  9. freezer88

    If nothing else, if you tune out Karen, you miss one of the best bonus factors of the show: Karen’s tanks. I wouldn’t care if Karen’s voice sounded like Nikki Minaj on a carton of unfiltered Camels, I would power through just to hear her say things like “the underlining facts.”

  10. Ms. Smart

    Now look Rod, I support your support of Girl Scout Cookies. And I appreciate Thin Mints. However, I gotta ride with Karen and be on team Samoas! #TeamPurpleBox

  11. Tunde

    bout halfway through this episode but i had to stop and leave a comment. i usually agree with ROD on most things but not this. thin mints might be the worst cookie ever. i might enjoy a box of chips ahoy or safeway brand cookies over thin mints. now karen is onto something with somoas. as far as girl scout cookies those and trefoils are head and shoulders above the rest.

    also, fuck whoever doesn’t like karen or the format of the show. if they don’t like her or the show there’s thousands of other podcasts they can listen to. y’all are a lot nicer than we are. listen to ours; negroes with a podcast-NWAP (shameless plug) leave that type of bullshit and see what type of response you’d get. anyway, i like the new policy in 2015. only positive reviews.

  12. Shawdae

    I <3 Karen.How could you not? She's HILARIOUS and HELLA Beautiful and she's raising her voice for us women. Forget the haters.

  13. O4Soldier

    FUCK IsAmKazam, All hail the Khaleesi Karen.. That is all..

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