A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1104: The War On Kwanzaa


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Rod and Karen discuss “The Cosby Show”, Tamir Rice, Shaun King threatens to sue everyone, 2 Chainz made 2 mil off dabbing Santa, Coca Cola paid off anti-obesity group, Boston health inspector ate Chipotle, Blindspot actress may have gotten sick from fake tattoos, PA political email scandal, RDJ exonerated, Emoji users have sex on the brain, benefits of masturbation, Journalist expelled from China, torching dinner, Christians prays away Tornado, the Charleston Marriott, Obama needs to listen to angry whites, woman shoots husband for Christmas, goat sex, woman throws a dog, Taekwondo instructor knocks out 5 year old and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    I was definitely disappointed when I found out Lupita was going to be playing a CGI character. There haven’t been any major women in color in the Star Wars series and that’s always been disappointing. While I appreciated that they had a few black females in the movie in the resistance and in the first order, they were background characters. I would have loved to even see a black female fighter pilot. That would have been kick ass. It didn’t take away my enjoyment of the movie because I’ve seen it twice and will probably see it again while its still in theaters, but I would have gotten my entire life to see someone who looks like me in a major role in a movie like Star Wars. I hope when the casting is done for the next movie this will be considered. And those basement dwellers who claim they’ve boycotted the movie can just stay mad.

    PS I bet they watched the movie anyway.

  2. AJtheEngineer

    Hey Rod and Karen,

    *This message relates to the Star Wars/Lupita discussion at the end of episode 1104, if you think this would be better in the Nerd Off don’t worry about reading it on the feedback show.*

    I had to pause episode 1104 and ask something. I understand why Lupita decided to be a CGI character in the Star Wars movie but you raised a good question, why can there only be one black actor on the screen at one time? I know it’s Oscar season so I’ve seen you and a few other podcasters posting the screeners yall are currently viewing. I can’t stand it every year at the Oscars when Hollywood pats itself on the back for being “liberal” as they ignore the fact that diverse movie casts are selling tickets like crazy. I’m still mad at Sony’s comments about Denzel. I guess I’m confused because I see the comics you,Karen, Nina, Kriss, Sterling, and others are reading and they have all types of brown characters, but if that comic becomes a movie it’s got a white cast, what the hell? So my question is have you all seen any major movie studios push hard to get more diversity in recent years? I applaud Star Wars for having a diverse cast but despite the ticket sales I could see other movie studios playing it “safe” and continuing to use majority white actors.

    Thanks and happy new year,


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