A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

BDS 138: Black Son Of A Bitch


Rod and Justin are joined by Karen to discuss the NFL play-offs, listener feedback, Lawrence Phillips, Matt Barnes fined, Derek Fisher, Gilbert Arenas, Josh Gordon, Percy Harvin, NBA jerseys, Matthew Dellavedova, Jalen Tambor makes an NCAA slavery analogy, Djokovic was offered money to throw a match, the sad tale of Rodney Henry, House Slave gaff, Antonio Cromartie’s child support, Josh Smith, Melo passes Bird, Jason Kelce, David Blatt fired, old bitter Bulls, Harbaugh sleeps over a recruits house, Uncle Spliffy, Pete Pablo, USC basketball, Kathryn Smith, Terrell Owens and this week in Mamba.


  1. bamil73

    Hello Rod, Karen and J-Manning

    Congrats on your Panthers. I am somewhat relieved that my Patriots will not be receiving a Cam Newton beatdown in the Superbowl.

    Anyway enough pleasantries. I am actually writing in to register my displeasure for something that was implied last week. Y’all implied that black Pats fans were somehow coons. I strongly disagree with that line of thinking. I would love to stay longer and present more points in protest but I’m at work and I’s gots to tells ya, when I’s be at work I needs to make my white co-workers happy and in 2 weeks when that no good nigra Cam Newton beats that upstandin’ REAL quarterback massa Peyton, I’s better have something in store to keep my white people happy, so on my break I needs to practice my soft-shoe right quick, maybe play some spoons as well. Dese here is my white people.

    On a different note, what do you think of the development that the NFL will be investigating the HGH allegations against Manning after the Superbowl? I know J-Palmer thinks they have the wrong guy and they should be investigating that out-of-wedlock-baby-having-dude Tom Brady.

    Thanks for the great BDS moments as always


  2. Amani

    Hey Rod and J. Arenas

    It’s all about that Killa Cam baby! I hope Karen makes this one two so y’all can all talk your shit. Tired of being humble! We’re talking about quick grits and collards and not dodging the fact he’s black y’all and he’s black y’all and he’s blackity black and he’s black y’all.

    The Daily News went ALL THE WAY IN this week (http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/cam-newton-overcome-obstacles-black-qbs-face-article-1.2512054) and I’m here for all of it. It’s probably a little long for the show, but when they’re dropping bars calling this The White Privilege Playoffs you know Cam’s success is finally making the media address the elephant in the room that this show has been on from day one. Well, maybe outside of the Charlotte Observer. Think I saw this week Cam didn’t even have the highest selling jersey on the Panthers, that’s Luke Kuechly. Guess the race…

    And from one Charlotte team trying to win a ring in the Bay to home grown Steph Curry putting Kawhi Leonard on skates it’s been a damn good week. This was supposed to be the hard part in the Warriors’ schedule but they got the Cavs firing their coach and Blake so mad he’s punching ballboys in the face. Would anyone still be surprised if they beat the 72 wins? And I’m rooting for it, not just because I like all the guys on the team, but just so we stop them from turning into Mercury Morris.

    And quick shout out to Serena beating that Sharapova ass again! She hasn’t lost to her in 13 years dawg. Cam was still in high school and y’all were schooling Steph at the Y and they have the audacity to call this a rivalry. Alright y’all have a great week. Try not to commit any credit fraud at the strip club.

  3. Selester63

    What up Rod, J-Griffin & Karen,

    Congratulations to your Panthers! They put a beat down on the Cardinals. I picked Carolina to win but I figured it would be a closer game. I was pleasantly surprised to see the bronco’s man handle Brady and the patriots. Their defense definitely won that game and Peyton just did enough not to mess it up. I got the panthers winning it all.
    Enjoy the game, peace.

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