A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1197: Align Your Energy With The Clock


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Rod and Karen are joined by Rod’s mom to discuss Awesomecon, meeting Herbie Gill and Chris Milton, Lauryn Hill shows up late again, Azealia Banks endorses Trump, 50 Cent pays 100k to Autism charity, Kanye criminal record expunged, KFC edible nail polish, Checkers stores buns in bathroom, Oregon stand off mom was abusive, Afrika Bambaataa removed from leadership, Hive Attack, Bill Clinton serves fried chicken, Obama address Howard graduating class, racist cemetery, conman steals house and car for woman, police officer won’t open up his computer and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


And they’re on Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Code: FreeTBGWT


  1. reallydarkknight

    If you align your dollars for a Lauryn Hill concert, that’s all on you. Sorry.

  2. EvieE

    Spending money on a Lauren Hill concert is literally like ripping your money up and tossing it in the trash. She has no respect for her fans and she’s extremely unprofessional as she has demonstrated time and time again. I don’t think she’s worth the aggravation on the strength of one album nearly 20 years ago.

    50 Cent is trash, has always been trash and will always be trash. I definitely think he was mad that kid didn’t know who he was. I hope Rick Ross’s ex takes him to court again. I also hope this kid sues him for emotional distress.

  3. sugahbabe

    *whispers* I attended an LBoogie concert in 2014 and her energies weren’t aligned then. I told a couple of people how out of alignment she was with time and how ALL the songs she played were virtually unrecognizable. They laughed at me for a month. Because we saw her in concert in Jamaica 2 or so years prior. She was again not aligning with the clock that us mere mortals use, her chakras were off or something and she fought with the sound guy throughout the entire performance. Never again.

    I also saw QuestLove’s write up re: the Lauryn Hill debacle and he was a 100% spot on. Jah bless Ms. Hill.

  4. DaKcStork

    Y’all niggas almost killed me. I should say that Rod’s mom almost killed me, when she hit that “The clock nigga, what the clock say?”, I found out why you should not try to swallow coffee while laughing. I always enjoy when you guys have family on the show. We get a glimpse into what shaped you, and helped to be the driving force to one of the greatest podcast PERIOD. The show gets better and better with each episode. I have not called or sent a message in a minute, but I listen to every episode and remain a premium listener. Keep giving the people and the podcast streets what they need.

  5. gbfaki

    Hey Rod, Karen and Rod Mothers. I loved this episode, however i wished you didn’t play that white girl “covering” freedom. I mean I know there are plenty of awful white covers of black music out there, but like my students loans, I would like to believe if I ignore them they don’t exist. Also can a group called the Dixie Chicks really be down? Just sayin. Anyway keep up the good work, I love your show

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