A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1204: Now With 50 Percent More Fame!


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Rod and Karen are joined by Petey Steele to discuss rap battles, stand up, his unique voice, We were featured on Ebony.com, Kim Kardashian, J.K. Rowling defends Trump’s freedom of speech, Sanders supports get rowdy in NV, two elderly women beat up woman at Li’l Cricket, mum is creeped out by food delivery and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @LeslieMac @SteeleBornDC
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Petey’s Podcast: http://cookiecast.podbean.com/

Link To Ebony Article http://www.ebony.com/entertainment-culture/podcasts-black-love#axzz48vO61pSa


  1. EvieE

    Congratulations on the Ebony article. So happy and proud of your guys. It’s a well deserved honor. Because so many good things are happening for you, there will be haters but just brush those trolls off your shoulders because why they’ll stay hating, you guys will just keep getting better. Discovering your podcast was one of my luckiest finds.

  2. HC

    If we take no other lessons from this week, remember this one: don’t play Rod & Karen in cards. They were getting trolled all week and rightfully clapped back. But then as the icing on the cake, they were like “oh this show ain’t good with Karen? That’s not what Ebony said, niggas!”

    The article even specifically addressed the stuff the trolls were saying too. I got online Wednesday morning and saw that picture of y’all smiling big as hell, and I said goddamn those niggas are good! Rod cussed that dude out while drunk, and not once tipped off that he had that Ebony big joker just waiting. And Karen went on her rant and didn’t say shit about it either, just let that article drop out of the blue like she was releasing Lemonade. TBGWT nation walking around bald, getting our edges snatched by unexpected Ebony interviews. Y’all done let karen get a taste of that fame, now she ain’t going back. Dropping articles and podcasts in the middle of the night and shit like famies do. The #KarenHive don’t play around, either. Congrats on the continued success.

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