A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1268: Sexism Is Over!


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cook, the Cosby Show, Aretha Franklin told to rest, mammograms, Indian politician outrage, a firefighter rapper, racist people don’t live tip, sexism is over, rapists given light sentence, Al Sharpton stands with Nate Parker, Amy Robach says colored people, White Lives Mater rally, white people news, man kills roommate, Uber driver terrorized women and sword ratchetness.

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  1. Anonymous

    It’s fairly embarrassing that Harrisonburg is trending because of racism. I’ve lived and worked here for 2 years (lived 30 minutes away for most of my life) and have always been surprised at how diverse it is considering its placement in VA. The couple that left that message are asshats and certainly are Trump supporters – the local news interviewed them and they had a trump sticker on the back of their truck. But it’s situations like this that makes the practice of forcing servers to rely on tipping It’s fairly embarrassing that Harrisonburg is trending because of racism. I’ve lived and worked here for 2 years (lived 30 minutes away for most of my life) and have always been surprised at how diverse it is considering its placement in VA. The couple that left that message are asshats and certainly are Trump supporters – the local news interviewed them and they had a trump sticker on the back of their truck. But it’s situations like this that makes the practice of forcing servers to rely on tipping for income ridiculous and untenable. As a black woman, serving was some of the best times that I had, and the absolute worst and most terrifying moments as well. I was a host and server throughout high school, and made some lifelong friends there. But I was also harassed by patrons, cussed out, grabbed and groped, had drinks spilled on me, and on a particularly bad night I was followed to my car by an angry customer. And as a teenager who was relying on these tips to both buy a car and save for college, I had to bite my tongue to get that money from these creeps who had this power over me, most of whom were white men. And I always asked myself is this more because I am a woman or because I’m black. How uncomfortable or scared do I need to be? Is this going to be a situation where I get called a nigger or a bitch? But yeah sexism is over in this post-racial society.

  2. Marc.G

    ok so.. I don’t know if i should share this with yall but that industrial park in boca raton, FL where the uber driver raped those women, is very close to home. In fact I use to work there in 2015, it’s where I discovered and fell in love with Tbgwt. At night I would put on my headphones while working outside, after sundown that place is totally isolated there’s one security guard car for multitudes of large empty buildings and warehouses. I’m not surprised at all that’s where he took them. what did surprise me tho is I haven’t heard anything at all about this horrific incident in my area. I talked today to some people at work and it’s the same reaction it hasn’t been making the news. Sadly many women like those at my job have come to accept that simple public services aren’t safe for them to use. One girl told me “yeah that’s why we can’t ride uber alone.”

  3. Luckedout

    Some places already include the Gratuity fee in the total and then leave the tip space blank, so it’s not like it’s a mind-blowing concept to include it in the meal, instead of being optional.

    Karen, I hear you and I’m nodding along. When it comes to sexism, in my experience there are hidden costs in every day decisions for women. Besides the pink tax, women have to make decisions to choose safety over savings. Several years back, before Uber was that big of a thing, I was living in CA and had to get my car fixed. I was working a retail job and the only way I had a full shift was to work till closing. I planned on commuting to save money and avoid a loan.

    The experiences I had as a woman alone at night made me hyper-vigilant: Asked if I was a prostitute on the bus because I had pretty lips, waited for someone to take a cab in the queue, so I didn’t get in with the guy who made me uncomfortable already and asking myself if I shouldn’t get off my BART stop because I didn’t feel safe letting a creep know that much. I kept switching plans to see if I could find a sweet spot. I’m independent and wanted to get things done on my own, but no matter my attitude, several men only saw an available woman, because *obviously* if a man was taking care of me, I wouldn’t be out at that hour.

    So yeah, got a loan and lost out on a few more hundreds than I wanted to. I can’t imagine if I couldn’t get it and had to choose between working less hours or risking my safety. I’ve moved on to better things, but it still sticks to me when I’m driving at night because I feel robbed. I don’t need to be told “What did you expect?” or “It was stupid to even try.” so I appreciate you, Karen, for your passion on the topic.

  4. Demetria

    I couldn’t agree with you all more about how people treat their waitstaff and I’m talking about the customer AND the management staff! My mother and grandmother used to give the waiters attitudes when we would have to wait forever to be seated (when really the hostess is responsible for that issue) and even still, there is only so much they can do. Listen, I only waited tables for THREE DAYS! That’s how bad it was for me, they trained me during the lunch rush, I gave a diabetic man sweet tea by mistake and the waitress that trained me, messed up someone’s ticket and put it on “the new girl”. THEN she didn’t even split her tip with me! So when I clocked out, I clocked all the way out! Those three days pushed me to give more than what I think is good enough of a tip and to encourage my family to do the same! $2.35/hr doesn’t keep those lights on bruh!

  5. Cassie67Impala

    The tipping thing is such a weird custom/social norm. My old boss from Australia said that no one tips because people are paid a fair wage. I don’t know if you guys have Wegmans down in NC, but up north the Wegmans here have pubs and you’re not allowed to tip cause those servers make a minimum of $10/hr. I’d pay a little extra for a meal knowing that the server is getting a fair wage. And like any other customer service industry, if the employee is terrible or gives bad service you put on your white woman wig and ask to speak with a manager.

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