A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1360: The Caucdacity

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Rod and Karen are joined by Mr Spann of the Spann Report to discuss Obama’s farewell speech, alleged Trump blackmail leak, Steve Harvey says racist stuff about Asian men, Cheetah’s lawsuit, Marilyn Mosby being sued by officers, Shake Shack founder says tipping is bull, Jamie Foxx fight, white people news, ball dropping fight, wifey teacher, mam stabs Cowboys fan stepmom and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @Mr_Spann

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Site: www.adamandeve.com


Site: www.getbevel.com/tbgwt


  1. ProfKori

    Trump thought he was going to climb the “bladder to success.” LOL! I only saw one of these on Twitter, so I appreciate this recap!

  2. Amani

    You do realize *their* new President is about to be the ultimate “I’m from New York” nigga of all-time right? We’re catching so many international fades on sight. How do you think Putin knew he could punk him in the first place?

    Oh and FUCK Steve Harvey. And that was before he met with the tangerine tyrant. I appreciate you covering the rest of the Russia links in depth. I don’t care about his kinks, there’s real shit going down. Even if it is funny. Sorry if I sound pissed, I just have to let this yellow journalism flow.

  3. Co Co

    WHAT WHITE NONSENSE IS THIS???? I, like Karen knew immediately that kidnapping story was some bullshit. Have you no shame, white people???

  4. KRW

    I’m with Karen, I was immediately suspect with this neo-Nazi chick saying 2 Latinas kidnapped her.
    As soon as they accuse any minority I’m like they lying.

  5. fyahworks

    The puns in this episode were flames (in my karen voice) great ep! Big up mr spann too

  6. thewritin1

    Hey Rod, I agree with you on the Undercover Boss thing. Surely by now, the employees must know. In fact, I just watched an episode last night, and one of the dudes DID recognize the boss and busted him. It was great!

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