A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1429: Big Meany Poopy Head

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Rod and Karen discuss Rod’s random thoughts, a sweet proposal, Omega Psi Phi statement on Cleveland killer, all male panel on controversial sexual assault policy, Chris Brown punches a club photog, district attorney wants to lock up sexual assault victims, United, Craigslist food offer, drug convictions dismiss, Facebook dealing with turmoil, Mary J Blige hacked, black man hate crime, That’s Ya’ll Man, White People News and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. Lilmo0219

    Listening to Rod talk about going from getting the minimum when it comes to glasses to getting the most, . “Transition them bitches, double triple coat that muthafucka, wax it, flip it, rub it down.” And then Karen, “make em bulletproof.” HA! Hilarious. The pair I currently wear is the first pair I did the most with and definitely worth it.

  2. Janica

    When y’all were talking about Mary J Blige and Karen said, “you need more people, baby” I hollered! Anyway, I’m waiting on Strength of a Woman patiently

  3. AO

    I appreciate your point about the male Maryland lawmakers also being biased. If we know 1 in 4 women has been sexually assaulted and those assaults are happening mostly by men, then there is a significant portion of the male population who are rapist/sexual abusers. The numbers are hard to pin down but let’s assume 1 in 10, 10% of men have engaged in action that would fit the definition of rape or unwanted sexual advances; it means probably one of the men on the panel has forced themselves onto a woman. They (men) have an invested interest in keeping this oppressive law in place because it protects them and any abusive behavior they may engage in or be accused of.

    Additionally, the consequence is if I live in Maryland and I know this law exists – that I am forced to live with the daily reminder or my victimization and I have to invite the perpetrator into my life – I’m probably not going to report an assault bc I don’t want to deal with the bullshit.

    I do wonder if they’re making these men pay child support when the woman is forced to carry to term.

  4. Anonymous

    Rod and Karen!! It’s been a minute since I’ve written in or left a comment. Ya girl (that’s right, we’re friends LOL) got a new position at work and the training had me hella busy AND behind on episodes, but I persevered and through these earbuds and looking busy, I’m all caught up! I had started an email and after about the 3rd paragraph I decided against it because ain’t nobody got time fa all that! I’ve been enjoying all the shows as usual, and just wanted to let you guys know to keep ’em coming. On another note I am over here Milly rocking to Another One Bites the Dust in celebrating with Bill O’Shut the Fuck Up being fired!! Keep up the great work, oh and Karen I’m going to send you some luggage for your trip, but the catch is, I’ll be in it!! Have a great weekend, love you both:-)

  5. D Ramsey PhDone

    Thank you for playing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust!”

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