A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1463: Don’t Bootleg Black Panther

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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback.

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  1. reallydarkknight

    I don’t see what the big deal is about this Black Panther movie. I mean it’s just another Comic Book Movie like the others. I don’t think this is any more important than the other movies.

    Sorry y’all, I’m lying my ass off!!! Imma be marching up to the movie theater like I’m in the FAMU Marching Band! I’m one who doesn’t like people talking in theaters, but we gonna have a good time opening weekend, ya heard! Fuck that dumb shit!!! It’s gonna be Wakanda out here in Whitelanta that weekend!

  2. Jwan Allen

    Am I seeing datpanther? I’m buying 2 tix every time I see it, even if my movie girlfriend doesn’t want to go.

  3. csick

    My cousin is friends with Ryan Coogler from film school, and he’s been co-editor for all of Ryan’s film releases (Fruitvale Station, Creed and now Black Panther), so I’m doubly excited for this movie.

    • csick

      I do feel a little weird though because my cousin is white and part of me feels like he took a job that could have gone to an up-and-coming minority editor.
      Regardless, I’m proud of my cousin for being a part of Coogler’s team and helping to create such great movies.

  4. Amani

    All I heard on my 47th rewatch of that Black Panther trailer was Kamaiyah at every scene. Marvel just stunting on us like I got niggas, I got niggas, I got niggas!

    Look at gawd!! All that beautiful blackness. All those Black women getting busy with the hand cannons and kicking ass. Karen got 8 months to learn how to fight with a staff and you in there!

    Look at the colors, that flawless, glistening perfection. Just the physical energy in those shots too. My nigga Coogler coming through! But he should stick to doing indie films right? God I’m ready for this shit. Where is the TBGWT screening? I’ll fucking come to Charlotte for this shit. Shout out to all my real Wakandans! They deeed it!

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