A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1534: Slut Canes

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Rod and Karen discuss The Vietnam War documentary, Amber Rose, Hugh Hefner, white nationalists made at book fair, racist sports bar, Russians made fake black activists accounts, the March for Black Women, That’s Ya’ll Man, White People News and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
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Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


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Twitter: @ShadowDogProd

Buy Janelle James’ new album “Black And Mild.”




  1. lamalamatime

    I appreciate this episode. My step mother, who is the only mother I’ve ever had, is Vietnamese. Her family were refugees of the Vietnam War. She was almost two and her sister was about a year old when they came over on a boat. So many boats didn’t make it because they capsized or attacked.

    I thought about my Mama the whole time you guys were talking about the documentary and how her fate could have been different. The effects of the Vietnam War is still so tangible in Vietnam. America deployed agent orange and people today are still born with horrible birth defects because of the agent orange. And landmines still kill people.

    The Kent University massacre always blows my mind. I researched it during University and it was so fucked up. America is just amazingly fucked up.

  2. jmmutore

    I loved your impromptu review of ‘The Vietnam War’. A ten-hour analysis of one of America’s great failures? By the same guy who made ‘The Civil War’? Complete with a soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross? Shiiiit, I was in the bag for this from a mile away, and I wasn’t disappointed.

    I’m a closet Ken Burns stan. I know there are some documentary buffs out there who want him cancelled (see WWII controversy) but to me, he’s the only white filmmaker who consistently takes Black-white relations seriously. His two best films, ‘Unforgivable Blackness’ (about Jack Johnson, the OG activist athlete) and ‘The Central Park Five’ (whose villain has become PotUS) couldn’t be more relevant today.

  3. meiko

    I hope that bar owner that put the Lynch & Kaepernick jerseys together never turns a profit. He’s garbage and his patrons probably look like garbage pail kids(remember those, lol?) Anyway, his voice was so annoying that I went to Yelp so I could look up his bar so I could call and yell at him for being a racist and then hang up! Childish? Yes, but I feel like it would also be semi-satisfying. Anyway, I was deterred by the fact that his place already has a bunch of bad reviews by people calling him racist and calling him awful already! I just smiled as I looked at it and forgot about getting the number or anything. Obviously, the only thing the bad reviews and overall low star rating don’t stop him from being a racist asshole but I do hope it stops people that have never been there from going because they don’t want to be associated with that BS. Lastly, I hate how sympathetic it seemed the news report was to them. They basically did a story on how this bar just wants to honor vets and now they’re being called racists because of a simple racist mistake. Wack! I feel like Missouri is a lost cause, ever since Ferguson and BLM. Lots of trash stories come out of MO-they’re like the Florida of the midwest. Oops, I’ve rambled-thanks for reading and have a great day, y’all!

  4. Coonfucious (@Blike_Dante)

    Sup y’all. I can’t remember if it was this episode or one from last week where y’all talk about JT (I really need to stop drinking) but I too still jam to that Justified album.

    The only thing I hate about the JT convo is, with a lot of things that center around how black women feel, the “why y’all mad” “get over it crowd” is never late to tell black women to shut up about something. They showed up when “oh you sweet soul gate” happened to shame black women daring to not just get over a white man leaving a black woman out to dry to be shamed, dragged, and banned the super bowl for something that really was his fault. Yes in the long game Janet is fine but if black women choose to still be like fuck that nigga for that it’s not gonna make you like What Goes Around any less so as the great philosopher Jay-Z once said “costs you nothing, pay me no mind.”

    Sorry for the long post but as always keep up the good work and Rod we gotta get you back on Ratchet Ramblings soon cuz LHHH winding down dawg.

  5. Tiffany

    THANK YOU!! Would you believe I had to get in some clear people asses about OUR experiences with war and the after effects just this past weekend…of course they were talking about football and disrespecting the flag and I told them they have nothing to do with each other. I told them, just say you don’t care about this cause and what Kaepernick was actually taking a knee for, because I guarantee your ass wasn’t saying this shit when JJ was raising all that money for Harvey victims and using his “platform” or “celebrity” to shed light on blah blah blah. *crickets* Then they tried to say who wants a football player as their kids role model and of course the first names they threw out were Odell, Ray Rice, and Mike Vick, I chimed in and said don’t forget about Ben Rapelisberger, or the NY kicker that was beating up his damn wife! *crickets again* FINALLY they brought up how they were disrespecting the flag and veterans and I came unglued. I told them my grandfather fought in the Korean War and had 7 children, not one of them or any of his grandchildren joined the military. He was a proud Vet, but always told us the white man’s army was no place for us! And to finish them off, I asked how do you think my granddaddy was treated when he returned to Alabama from the war?! *crickets yet again* You could have heard a mosquito break wind, and to break the silence I told them he was treated like SHIT! I get so sick and tired of clear people trying to tell us how we should feel about something they know absolutely nothing about! STFU sometimes and LISTEN!! *I digress* I’m over here pounding on this keyboard at work and waiting on somebody to say something about it! Y’all have a good one:-)

  6. Anonymous

    You’re right about Hugh Hefner but I think elaborating a bit on the complexities of exactly who this guy was/what he represented was summed up well in this article https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/wjjdkn/playboy-campaigned-for-abortion-rights-while-railing-against-women Sorry it’s so long but it really does paint a broader picture (no pun intended) on how he was for women’s rights until feminists started pointing out where he could do better.

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