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TTM 60: The Pool Part 2 – Sorry

Rod and Bassey discuss NBC’s family drama, “This Is Us.”

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  1. rodimusprime

    Hey Rod and Bassey!
    I am sooooooo glad yall are back! It felt like fifty-lem years since a TTM episode and it was beginning to affect my mood. I was about to call Apple Support about the Podcast app and complain my shit wasn’t working. But we outchea!

    So.This is Us. I think I’m in the minority here because I definitely haven’t hated this season the way it seems like the rest of the world has. Has it been their best? No. Is it still a superior television show? I would definitely say so. But.. here are my complaints/thoughts.

    1) Malik’s eyes are unsettling. I figured out what it is… the outside corners of his eyes are unusually wide and it makes my body itch. Couple that with his tiny stature and I just feel uncomfortable during his scenes. Call me trash but it is what it is. And yall know I’ve never been here for Deja’s storyline. I am trying with all my might but it just ain’t happening. I won’t say much else on my dislike of it though because I’m rooting for everybody black. But why does she have to run up to her room every damn episode? Someone riddle me that.

    2)The fact that Kate is one of my favorites this season speaks volumes. I don’t want to like her but I do. Can’t help it. And I actually think she’s a phenomenal actress… always have!

    3) Please get Kevin out of Kentucky. I’m tired of it. They were hinting like he was going to go back there and I just can’t. If it turns out his pregnant wife in the future is Cassidy, I’ma have to do like Spongebob and head out.

    4) This is Us is the KING of the time confusion. Because when I say I did NOT see that twist coming with Rebecca!! The whole time I was thinking “How did she deteriorate over night like this?” It was so well done and it’s the reason I will never lose faith in the writers of this show. That plot twist plus the golf montage were definitely my two This Too Much moments this season. Also, when are they going to give Mandy Moore her things because her performance has been breathtaking throughout the entire series.

    Lastly, I would really like for them to take a step back from the “past.” If it’s not something to do with the teenage Pearsons, then I don’t really need to know. Like Jack and Rebecca’s story is tired. We get it.. we know what happens. I am however really interested to know what’s up with Kate’s ex-boyfriend. And any scene with teen Randall and his gorgeous face of black boy joy is a win for me.

    I’m sure I have more to say but my rant is getting long and I think ya’ll get the point. Can’t wait for your finale recap. Thank you again!


  2. rodimusprime

    They Rope-A-Doped so hard this season. This was such a good episode. I held back tears 4-5 times at my desk today. If I was at home I would have lost it for sure.
    Mandy Moore should get an Emmy for each Rebecca she plays. The rest of the cast are doing great as well and I do hate Kate less this season. I am looking forward to the next half of this season. looking forward to it your recap.

    Thanks as always
    Anthony Animal Thug Tatum

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