A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2112: Catching Up With Rae Sanni

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Rod and Karen are joined by Rae Sanni of the Deliberation Podcast to discuss pretty much everything ya’ll. We just talked and talked and talked. And it was so much fun. Like old friends catching up.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT @RaeSanni @DeliberateCast

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. trey_swindu744

    I absolutely loved what Rae said about our favorite black shows from the 90’s having some white writers in their writing rooms- if people only knew!!!! Some folks will sit up online saying they want a certain type of black content but stay hating on black content from black creatives without properly giving it a chance or just simply saying “hey it’s not for me” and just move on. I live for the day when we can have all types of black content to choose from and people reach a point were they just give stuff a shot.

    Thanks again Karen, Rod & Rae!


  2. Evie

    I agree that Stan culture has gotten out of control. Like when that Lana Del Ray chick made that statement about Nicki Beyonce and Rhinanna my first thought was now why did she come for the women with the three biggest crazy standoms. She didn’t want those problems with the Barbz, Bey Hive and the Navy. And it’s crazy that I know the name of these standoms.
    But on the other hand you have those people who like yucking people’s yum and goes out or their way to tell people why the person they like is garbage or mediocre as if minding your business isn’t free. It’s okay to have an opinion and even post about but some people take it too far.

  3. Briana

    Rod and Karen – I absolutely loved hearing Karen talk about the early days of your relationship. When she described herself and someone who has ‘talked people to sleep’, I laughed out loud because I have a niece who is exactly like that! I love her to death and she is nothing but sweet, but the girl just talks SO MUCH! She is totally self-aware about it now that she is in her teens. The other day she told me, ‘when you’re tired of listening, just walk out the room, it won’t hurt my feelings’. Karen, I was so encouraged by your story and hope that my niece will one day find her own version of Rod who will be strong enough to endure her marathon conversations.

  4. Brooklynshoebabe

    Adults definitely said “nigga” around me in the 70s and 80s, but we wouldn’t be allowed to use it as kids because it was like saying a curse word like bitch or mother fucker. In college, I began using it more frequently especially the more I got into rap. My daughters go to and have gone to majority white public schools in New York because of our zip code. Recently, my 13 year old 7th grader was talking about race with some of her white and Asian homeboys. They asked if she had ever been called the n-word, and she said “Yes, by my mom.” They were confused and suddenly I feel uncomfortable using it around my teen children. I don’t want to put my children in the position to have to explain blackness at such a young age. Because of the neighborhoods they live.in and schools they go to, it’s like they have to do a double code switch. (My oldest had to do that when she started at a majority black high school this past fall.) It’s strange. Telling kids to be their authentic self but every where they go they have to code switch.

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