A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2123: You Should’ve Minded Your Business

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Rod and Karen discuss raising a black girl in this world, the death of Toyin Salau, B. Simone plagiarism scandal, Bey write to KY attorney general, Denver police served restraining order, Sanders not with Defunding the Police, DC mayor sued over BLM street painting, white couple calls cops on man for stenciling BLM on his own property, Little Britain blackface apology, CA sandwich shop closes over racism and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


  1. EvieE

    Here is how we know that being white is a hella of drug because we see these racists getting out exposed on social media and losing their jobs but they just can’t help themselves. They refuse to mind their business when one is bothering them. At the end of the day if they lose their job they’ll be alright because some sympathetic white person will hire them somewhere else.

  2. Felix

    The little Britain thing comes off as a little disingenuous to me because those dudes were doing a whole damn lot with the blackface on that show. That shit was real bad even then. The fact the first stuff I saw on TV when my African family moved to the UK was a buncha blackface in primetime was the most jarring transition bruv. Britain has its own tradition of blackface that’s well documented so I don’t buy anyone’s excuses who was doing it in the 2000s. Every Black person I knew at the time always gave that show the sideeye (except for the homophobic jokes, everyone of every race happily laughed at that stuff smh lol). That bo selecta show also really did a number on Craig David’s career too. Dude only just recently came back in a big way. The fact they were allowed to get away with that and still have careers tells you a lot. I was more or a Catherine Tate fan myself anyway. Now that lady could do some bloody skits bruv. My god.

  3. Dia

    Greetings Rod and Karen,

    It’s long but I cover three topics because the episode was just so good!

    *On raising a black girl, I wanted to say that with defunding police some very difficult conversations need to be had in an effort to protect women and those difficult conversations cannot happen online because it gets shouted down or just asking questions is viewed as opposing someone or divisive. And because those conversations cannot happen online, a lot of people are going to get left out of the process when policies are made.

    * On the Tulsa Massacre…I know they didn’t teach it to many of us in school, there are a lot of things that we wish we learned, but there is also something for being inquisitive. Because I bet that after people watched Watchmen, that is still all they know about the Tulsa Massacre. Did it make them inquisitive enough to get a book or at least read the Wikipedia page? You know the saying, youth is wasted on the young? Sometimes history is wasted on the young. I find myself wanting to learn more about topics just because I have grown and experienced more. In school, yeah they talked about how Europe had a monarchy, but now as an adult I am more inquisitive about it. I eat that type of history up about the wars and different kings and queens.

    Lastly on Dave Chappelle criticism of him not mentioning women or trans victims of police brutality in his comedy special, I understand the hurt, but I also want to defend his art, not him so much, but his art form, because he got a lot wrong on the stage. For example in Dallas, 5 officers were killed, not 9; he got some Chris Dorner facts wrong. Comedy doesn’t always get it right. But I guess in comedians I like, I kind of eat the meat and spit out the bones.

  4. Rich

    Correction: the gentleman James Juanito who was spraying black lives matter on his property is actually Filipino so just make sure he brings some pancit, lumpiang shanghi (Filipino spring rolls) and some pork adobo for the cookout!


  5. Rich

    I agree with you Rod… DC Mayor got azz!

  6. Anne of Burger King


    This clip has been going around recently. David Bowie is the musician who died a few years ago around the same time Prince died. I remember you and Karen didn’t know his music. He was married to the model Iman. Anyway, this is the interview where he questions the way MTV decided what music videos were played. You had Living Colour on your last episode so I thought this might be interesting.

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