A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2479: Starving The Trolls

Rod and Karen discuss Coronavirus News, LGBTQ News, Cardi B wins lawsuit, Tiffany Haddish opens up about DUI, Megan Good opens up about divorce, Neil Young takes music off Spotify, The First Step Act results are racist, a Black woman will be nominated to SCOTUS, man arrested over bacon tantrum, woman tries to buy baby, man pretends to be brother to avoid jail and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    That Cardi B and Tasha K story is so wild because from what I read Cardi asked Tasha to remove that video before she took legal action but Tasha dug her heals in mainly because she was getting egged on by the Barbs and the clicks were monetized. So Cardi sued her. But Tasha hasn’t learned a thing . She claimed that she knew the story was fake. I dont know what her end game is but those same people who egged her on won’t pay a dime if she started a go fund me to pay her legal fees. The clicks don’t seem worth it to me.

    And those same hoteps in the Mano sphere come and go. They get a little bit of clout until the next clown comes along. Tariq nasheed and Kevin samuels will soon be farts in the wind .

  2. ApiafromGermany

    I agree with you with almost everything about Covid, but I found one point to disagree.
    If all people would behave the right way, I don’t think it would be over, but it would be much, much better. Less deaths, less suffering.
    Covid is really a hard opponent.
    You get symptoms after you already are contagious so you think you are healthy but you are not and it looooves to mutate.
    Of course it can mutate so well because it can spread so much everywhere.
    But I know at the beginning the scientists didn’t think it would mutate so much and in this way.
    Our kids had now the second vaccine and they are just fine.
    It’s pretty good in being a virus.

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