Rod does a solo review of the 2016 film “Hell Or High Water.”
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I saw this movie back when it first came out mainly because Chris Pine was in it and I’m low key fan. I enjoyed it so much that I’ve seen it multiple times since. It’s definitely one of those movies I’ll watch if it’s coming on and I’m just chilling. I agree that Ben Foster stole the movie and Jeff Bridges did his thing as the old time racist with a heart of gold character. And shout out to Alberto who clearly wanted to punch Bridges character in the face for his constant racist remarks the entire movie. Bruh that closing scene where Pine was basically telling Bridges to “pull up if you want to” was everything. I’m not into country music at all but I had to find that “Outlaw State of Mind” song because that shit hit at the end of the movie. Definitely a 5 out of 5.