A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1575: Armpit Vaginas

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Rod and Karen discuss the FBI seizing guns, Tara McCarthy, Meek Mill bail denied, Indian courts consider making marital rape illegal, armpit vaginas, pizza shoot out, taking out the trash, that’s ya’ll man, white people news, a boy’s letter to Santa, pastor spoils Christmas, woman cuts off man’s penis and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Twitter: @ShadowDogProd


  1. ClassicRandBLover

    Hi Rod and Karen,

    Town things,

    1) That little boy’s letter to Santa was jut too much, and it is exactly the type of thing a little kid would say.

    2) Hearing you two talk about Teen Titans Go so much, when I recently came across the marathon leading up to the premiere of the 200th episode, I decided to watch since I had the day off. MAN, Why did I do that! I have fallen in love and become obsessed with the show, watching as many back episodes as I can. Rod, Karen, I want you to know I blame you for this development in my life because there is no way in hell a DAMN NEAR 50 year olde woman with no children should be going around singing Waffles, Waffles, Wa-ffles, Waffles, Waffles Wa-ffles.

  2. Lauren in Pittsburgh

    In the white people news, is that beat boxer saying “pumpkin spice”? Because that’s what I’m hearing.

  3. D Ramsey PhDone

    That young man’s letter to Santa was Priceless!!! #IamnotTellYoumyName

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