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The Female Condom And Gigolo Judging
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I wasn’t there for the twitter debate but I’ve heard commentary about this on the show. Using my great powers of speculation I will assert that exactly 85% of the negative responses you received on twitter were from women who has never used a female condom.
People fear what they don’t understand in general though not just with women. If female condoms were primarily used instead we’d see the same objections from men. *Woman hands man a male condom*, “Whats this??? Oh hell nah, you trying to strangle my dick or something.” *Pulls out the female condom*.
That said I don’t know that female condoms will ever be normal to most women but keep fighting the good fight rod. Maybe the women’s history month assignment for women should be to use a female condom during sex, lol.
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Great Post Rod…just seems so strange that women don’t appreciate a man thinking to have her pleasure and protection in mind first, shows we have a LONG way to go in the crusade to enlightenment
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a good combination of “this is funny” and “this nigga Rod is right”. it’s hypocritical answers the ladies gave but a tough battle to climb for them to see why. shit like this is why y’all getting featured in the huffington post man keep it up.
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I love women but, they are very arrogant and entitled and this article screams it
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