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TNO 12: Where Is Sony?


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss and Kev to discuss Justice League Flashpoint, Arrow, Flash TV shows, Young Justice, SkyRim, XCOM, new sentinels, John Williams back, Amazing Spider-man 2, Avatar sequels, Pacific Rim potential sequel, CBS vs Time Warner, FBI wants cable providers to snoop, a whole lot of Xbox News, No Sony news again, 6g speakers, 10 year old saves family because of Mario Kart, Ouya gives store credit, Call of Duty pre-orders low and Arkham Origins multiplayer?

1 Comment

  1. disregardjordan

    The funny thing about the whole Xbox One headset debacle that some people are complaining about, is the fact that in the unboxing video below, the Xbox One headset DOES come with the console.

    Microsoft stays winning against these nerds.

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