A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

752: The Eazy E Hep V


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Rod and Karen are joined by Justin to discuss True Blood, Ted Cruz, Stephen A Smith suspended, Robin Thicke, Aretha, R. Kelly, boobs and guns, not racist racist lady, Zimmerman back, Lucy, Bathroom spying, shot over semen, kids in car for sex and sword ratchetness.

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Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
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  1. Donte

    Better G.I.F Lettie Mae Daniels and her lip acting or Sarah Newlin’s Mom getting the Ricky from Boyz N the Hood? Great episode btw

  2. B. Omar Hester

    “you could have had a meeting in that room” favorite line from this episode. The people who caught Eric and Pam were the yakuza. Still pretty suspect, however they were human. Awesome episode!

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