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BDS 89: Fuck The Seahawks


Rod and Justin discuss listener e-mails, the Super Bowl, Aaron Hernandez’s trial, Demarcus Cousins, Barkley vs. Gabby, Warren Sapp, Lance Armstrong, Joseph Randle, D’qwell, Letroy, Atlanta Hawks, Jason Kidd is an asshole, Larry Foote, Textgate, Morocco fined 1 mil, NIT game changes, No more campaign, Baldwin, Dwyane Wade, Le”veon Bell, WMU messageboard, The Blackest NBA Players Of All Time and this week in Mamba.

1 Comment

  1. edaq283

    My blackest players NBA Michael Ray Richardson (see Wikipedia), Chris Washburn,(cracked out. tried to enter a game with his shoes untied when he played for the hawks) Isiah Rider (for being Isiah Rider)

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