We’ve been busy. So it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these “check out our guest appearances” blog posts but that doesn’t mean we’re not all over the place. We are everywhere you want to be.

First of all if you’re a premium listener make sure you go to the premium page and scroll to the bottom for the new RSS feed password. You can put the RSS feed into various podcast apps and enter the password so that you’ll always have access to our premium episodes on the go. Now onto our guest spots.

You can find most of these on iTunes or Stitcher by searching the name of the podcast or simply click the links below.

Rod was on This Week In Blackness 650: The Aftermath

Rod and Karen were on a premium Valentine’s Day edition of Chonilla.com Podcast

Rod was on the Insanity Check Podcast 463: Cops U Never Trust

Rod was on Sports Ball with Aaron Rand Freeman on the TWIB premium network. Sportsball 48: The Agenda

Karen was on Project Fandom’s Review of The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 11: The Distance

Rod was on Project Fandom’s Reviews of Scandal episodes 12: Gladiators Don’t Run and 13: No More Blood

Okay I think that’s everyone. Next time I won’t wait so long to do this. A few may have fallen through the cracks.