A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

933: Ben Affleck Owns Slaves?

Ben Affleck

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Rod and Karen discuss Ben Affleck’s ancestors, Chris Brown’s baby, Johnny Kemp dead, YC baby mama drama, Venus vs Mars, MHP’s tax situation, marathon faker, Tim McGraw performs for Sandy Hook, Paltrow fail, Gold mine militia, Blackwater sentences, Walter Scott video, Nelly arrested, Dame Dash gets paid by Lee Daniels, Lavern Cox v bell hooks, Men’s Health cover, BallerAlert, shop teacher shot, Dunkin donuts murder, heart transplant criminal and sword ratchetness.

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  1. Superman

    I expected better from Bruce, but I guess he ain’t as trill as the nerds make him out to be.

  2. azulmanzana

    On Ben Affleck: The only people who would have thought poorly of him having slave-owning ancestors are the same people who want to own slaves now. By censoring this info, he invoked the same privilege that he had previously decried to great effect. As for Gates, I’m just waiting for the Gates/Dyson/West battle royale.

    Tim McGraw: He admitted to voting for Obama; it’s a miracle that he hasn’t gotten the Dixie Chicks treatment yet.

  3. SugahBabe

    1. Re: Ben Affleck King of Slaves :: A few people online started to go in on Professor Gates not saying he’s damaged his credibility. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that but I am annoyed that he acquiesced to Ben’s requests. He should have respectfully declined to air BA’s episode. That way he gets to maintain his integrity and the show’s integrity. What amazes me is that Ben seems to suffer from some weird delusion that people were going to hate him. Get over yourself. They traced Anderson Cooper’s roots and he had slave-owning ancestors (sarcastic gasp). His episode aired, he owned it and even said he was glad his ancestor was killed by a slave. He said: “He had 12 slaves. I don’t feel bad for him.” BOOM!

    2. bell hooks :: you said exactly what I was shouting in the car while listening to that section: she continues to over-police feminists and most importantly, she attacked someone who fights every day to appear more feminized. I thought the point was to allow us (women) to have the right to choose how we want to portray/comport ourselves without excessive censorship and critiques.

    3. Re: the ‘Dear Brotha’ with the heart transplant from the Guess The Race segment: the back story is that his request for a heart transplant elicited a huge petition because he was originally rejected. Some group took on the hospital and said it was because of his race and his past why they were denying him a heart. Y’all know that the worst thing you can call white folks is racist so they reversed their original decision and gave him the heart. And look at what this Dear Brotha did with someone else’s good heart. That muthafucka.

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