A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

954: #Sansagate


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Rod and Karen start this episode with a huge spoiler for the latest episode of Game of Thrones and the controversy surrounding it, Jay and Bey support #BlackLivesMatter, Obama to demilitarize the police, Biker shoot out, Bill O’Reilly accused of Domestic Violence, Harry Shearer leaves the Simpsons, Blue Bell lays off workers, Vibrio, Bear attack, Kim Jong Un don’t play, death penalty appeals, smelly plane passenger, man who shot Zimmerman, BallerAlert, burn baby hands, mother leaves child in car on Mother’s Day, child porn daycare and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

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  1. CallaBeauty

    It’s so crazy to me how mean and hateful people can be when it comes to celebrities, and regular people in general, that they don’t even know. For Jay-Z and Beyonce, they’re pretty much damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. The haters are always gonna be there.

    I’m in tears with those #WacoThugs tweets. LOL. I haven’t seen a whole lot of media coverage on it, but yeah, I haven’t heard anybody start calling them thugs, or talking about “white-on-white violence”, etc. Side note: we actually do have one of those Twin Peaks restaurants close to Charlotte. It’s next to Concord Mills, by the AMC. I’ve been there once, and the burger I had was actually really good, but not anything super special.

  2. TAYREL713

    This episode, not unlike the Red Wedding, left me a mess. I sat in silence for a few minutes and didn’t even back out of HBO Go. I’m honestly still not a 100% but I began discussing it with several friends one of whom has decided to no longer watch the show. I understand her point of view and respect her decision. You brought it up in the show how Khal Drogo raped Danny, this was a point I brought up as well. I think we didn’t have any sort of relationship with the Future Mother of Dragons at that point and lacked empathy for her. But for Sansa, we watched her grow from child to woman, suffer under Jofrey and Cersei and have developed an attachment to the character at this point. This was us, the viewers, seeing our TV little sis violated and it was affecting in that regard. That is a mark of greatness in one sense in that the writing and acting are so tremendous that it hit us all so hard. I don’t see this as simply right or wrong, I fully get those who are of the mindset that this was to much and a bridge to far for them. I also understand the perspective of those who would argue it’s fiction and a reality of the women of this world. Women, it would seem, never have a good wedding night in Westeros.

  3. Lionel

    It’s funny that you mentioned other ice cream manufactures taking advantage of blue bell being out of the game! Man Ben & Jerry, which usually has its pints for $7.99, had them joints on sale for $3.99! Lol. It’s a great time to buy ice cream.

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