A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1256: Visibility


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Rod and Karen discuss listener feedback.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT
Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com
Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com
Voice Mail: 704-557-0186


Code: FreeTBGWT


  1. Amani

    I know stuff like this gets to you Rod because you do take the time to be deliberate and clear with your words and it’s frustrating when that’s still not enough to stop them from being twisted and straight up lied on. You’re empathetic so even when you feel you’re right you can see the other person’s point and that takes a toll, especially as you become more visible or whatever and there’s a toll on just being you because of what people perceive as your platform.

    But the inverse is also true, that you’re helping that many more people and being able to impact people who may not have thought of things that way. Even if it doesn’t feel that way, the good you’re able to do is several times greater even if the thanks aren’t as loud as people coming down on you. We appreciate what you and Karen have built because it’s genuine, and that love will always be returned to y’all. The truth is out there for anyone who cares to see it.

  2. tygrallure

    I just want to write a thank you for Karen and your voice in support and against issues and problems surrounding the LGBT community. I’m not sure if anyone has said thank you from us. But even if they had, it doesn’t hurt to say it again. Thank you so much. We need your voices, our brother and sister, to help jog the thoughts of those who look like you, who relate to you, because you are heterosexual.

    One of the main reasons I stayed listening to your show, was because you would speak out against irrational, unfair, and unethically sound discrimination against my LGBT family. And it’s no military secret as a heterosexual black male, the majority of you aren’t doing that. My sisters speak up for us all the time. But not many hereto black men, see it for us in the LGBT because they think we are what’s wrong with blackness.

    Thank you for your support. Thank you for fighting for us in your own way by challenging your audience to think about things in a different perspective.

    That allows someone queer like myself, who is also black to feel like I have a seat in this discussion of equality and injustice.

    Thank you both so much!

    Love ya,

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