A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

1335: A Very Special Episode


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Rod and Karen are joined by the crew from The Black Astronauts Podcast to discuss the election results, Larry Wilmore, Wiz on Kanye, Sindr app, TV shows, old people getting STI’s, sex ed class, D.A.R.E., White People news, son stabs dad, woman shoots at house guests, woman stabs boyfriend and sword ratchetness.

Twitter: @rodimusprime @SayDatAgain @TBGWT

Email: theblackguywhotips@gmail.com

Blog: www.theblackguywhotips.com

Voice Mail: 704-557-0186

Sponsors: Shadow Dog Productions on Twitter: @ShadowDogProd



  1. EvieE

    The very special episode segment took me back to my childhood. I miss those eighties and nineties sitcoms where there would be a very special episode and the next week it would be the same zany stuff. Remember the episode of Family Matters when Eddie got pulled over by a racist cop and Carl didn’t immediately have his back? My favorite very special episode of the 90’s was Saved By The Bell when Jessie got addicted to caffeine pills. She was so excited! Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

  2. Raj Mahal

    Loved your episode as always you guys are geniuses, on your hilarious point on lord of the rings, the orcs were the niggas and poor people.Pretty much every good guy and conqueror is a white man, they’re racist against orcs… They’re supposed be “evil” because they’re poor, the white man left them on land that’s literally boiling with lava and no grass or land to farm… And a leader(sauron) a trump like figure rises up making them promises he can’t keep promising to bring back their land and jobs… What actually makes these guys evil other than they want land to raise their orc kids without falling into a lava pit or being eaten by a giant spider?

  3. Adrienne

    This episode was EVERYTHING! Ya’ll gave me my early Christmas gift of hearing my two favorite podcast teams, TBGWT & Black Astronauts, do a team-up on one episode (s/o to CW, #supercrossover). I stayed with a muffled cackle at my desk or hollering laughing in my car. Just another great episode, stay grindin’!
    Love ya’ll!

  4. TanyaW42

    Thank you TBGWT, now I know what to request for a Christmas gift — the Fondoodler!! LOL, yes, I am white. And yes, I would totally shoot the melted cheese straight into my pie-hole.

    Oh, and to answer Karen’s question on a previous epsiode if there is way to grate cheese without waste, yes there is — this type of grater takes it right down to the bitter (or rather, salty and delicious) end with no danger to your fingers: http://panacea42.com/IMG_20161120_122623.jpg

    Anyway, great to hear the Black Astronauts on the podcast, I’m loving Aaron & Fiq’s RUNE recaps of Westworld (shout-out to @DaKcStork on Twitter for letting me know about them)!

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