A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

TNO 75: Nintendo Is Bernie Sanders

Rod, Kriss and Aaron discuss listener feedback, what we’ve been playing, watching and reading and then we get into the news. Blade Runner 2049, smartphones don’t kill sperm, Hulu gets Disney classics, Metropolis mini series, Echo police warrant, 61% of people check their smartphones when they wake up, Jurassic World 2, Kurt Sutter had a Punisher movie script rejected, Kevin Costner, T-Mobile kills Samsung Galaxy, Rogue One made all the money, Nintendo Switch update, Oculus Rift scandal, Spider-man TV show, X-men getting a new TV show, Deadpool Oscar buss, Tom Hanks Dumbo rumor, Will Smith, iBoy, Woody Harrelson will be in Han Solo film, DC movies are “fun,” Hawkeye wants in the Black Widow movie, Disney made 3 billi, Archer moving to FXX, Christian Bale, film critics in China, Logan movie, streaming beat discs in 2016, Facebook adding ads to video, iPhone theater mode, C The God getting a Marvel comic, Half Life 3 not happening, Marlon James, X-Men movie title announced, Peter Dinklage cast in Marvel films, Channing Tatum still gonna be Gambit, Carrie Fisher’s estate talking to Disney, Elite Dangerous and LGBT Young Justice representation.


  1. Amani

    With everything going on, knowing we gotta make it to 2018 is keeping me going. Black Panther and Infinity War officially underway don’t let me down now. And that Last Jedi poster? You all saw they switched the logo to sith blood red, this shit is about to be a problem!

    And y’all called it, Fox dropped that last trailer and people are talking themselves into believing in Logan again. I’m not getting into whether it will be good or not I’m not here to police what people enjoy, but talking about the fans who’ve complained about the last five X-Men movies going back on everything they’ve said for a decade because X-23 looks like the truth. If you’re in, be in but if you’ve been out this long why are you building it back up again so you can ruin the fun for the people who do like it?

    P.S. Checked out the first issue of Uber Invasion… NIGGA!!!!

  2. Wonga_5

    Hi Everybody,

    you guys were mentioning how theres only the force ghosts of Obiwan & Yoda. on the revenge of the sith dvd or bluray, theres a scene in the special features that shows Yoda had been talking to Qui-Gon Jinn & was learning how to become one with the force. So i think it was Qui-Gon that learned how to do that & passed it on to Yoda.

    & with Rebels, its been great & it would be cool to see the crew run into Cassian & K-2SO at some point since they are all involved with the Rebellion.


  3. Anonymous

    Kevin Costner is the ultimate white savior. A white supersavior if you will. Let’s kick the ballistics:

    Dances with Wolves – KC saves an entire Sioux Tribe
    The Bodyguard – KC saves Whitney Houston from killer stalkers. And a bleak sex life.
    Black or White – KC saves a little black girl from a hot comb
    McFarland USA – KC saves a Hispanic high school cross-country team from playing real sports
    Hidden Figures – KC saves NASA by bringing in 3 incredibly smart women who also happen to be unbelievably thick.
    Man of Steel – saves an invincible Kyptonian. KC’s love for diversity goes beyond planets

    Honorable Mention – Kevin Costner wants us all to know that he is from Compton

  4. Rwh2016

    What’s up RKA! Wishing you guys a Happy MLK Weekend! I’m trying to cope with the Obama’s leaving and next week’s inauguration of “The Empire.” I heard your review of the Star Wars Rebels crossover with Rogue One, and I’m purchasing the series. It’s refreshing to hear you guys praise Forest Whitaker’s portrayal of Saw Gerrera. I was listening to “Bald Move’s” review of Rogue One, and it was frustrating that they could not give Forest his props for fleshing out the manic, war-torn Saul Gerrera. Forest’s Saw Gerrera reminded me of Brando’s Colonel Kurtz in “Apocalypse Now.” Both men, are clearly going insane from their experiences of the war. I wish I could have seen more of Saw on the big screen as a rebel fighter and how he got those “peg legs”!

    Have you guys read the Jessica Jones Alias series by Bendis & Gaydos? After I binge-watched the Netflix show, I purchased the graphic novel. All I could say is Woowww!! The comic book had so many cameo appearances (Spiderman, X-MEN, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Captain Marvel, etc.) compared to the show, so I guess it would have been hard to fit Jessica’s Alias story-line exactly to the small screen. Also, I noticed that Luke Cage in the graphic novel is a little more “street” than Michael Colter’s clean-cut version on the Netflix show. “And Fuckin’ everybody!” According to Jessica’s pal Captain America, Luke’s layin’ that pipe to most of the Marvel superheroines! Also, I noticed that Netflix had to tame Jessica’s vulgar language down considerably compared to the Alias graphic novel, similar to JDM’s Negan in “The Walking Dead.” Like Negan, Jessica like’s the word “Fuck.” I like the scene when Thor rescued Jessica from drowning in the Hudson River; Jessica was spewing too many ‘F-bombs.’ Thor responded, “Young maiden of Midgard, thy language leaves something to be desired,” and flew off.

    I didn’t know how out of control Jessica was until I read Alias. And I loved how Luke Cage, Carol Danvers, and even Scott Lang try to help Jessica get her life together. I thought it was hilarious how Luke teased Jessica after she drunk-dialed him and messed up his apartment. Luke: “it was some wild shit. We had a big freak on. You gangbanged the New Warriors and then –“. Lol!

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